Near navigation-grade IMU
The HG5700 is an enhanced performance version of the HG1700 in a similar form factor and serves as a drop in replacement that is taller. The HG1700 has been successfully deployed on a wide range of weaponry, UAVs, stabilized platform, surface mapping, ground survey, drillingand oceanographic survey showing unsurpassed performance and reliability.
The HG5700 IMU contains three Ring Laser Gyroscopes (RLG) and three quartz Vibrating Beam Accelerometers (VBA) with excellent stability characteristics environmentally sealed in a rugged aluminum housing. The HG5700 IMU offers gyrocompassing class performance grade at a low price, size, and weight, while employing an external environmental ring isolator to filter unwanted sensor inputs commonly encountered in real-world applications. The HG5700 consumes less power than competing fiber optic gyro-based systems. External heat sinks and cooling are not required by the HG5700, facilitating greater flexibility in systems design and integration.
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Designed for Honeywell IMUs