
low profile GPS-Disciplined Rubidium Clock


Low Profile, GPS Disciplined Time and Frequency Unit

AccuBeat’s AR51-07 unit is a low profile GPS Disciplined Rubidium Clock which offers excellent stability and accuracy. The unit includes a Rubidium Atomic Standard which is phase-locked to the GPS or to other external inputs. All outputs are then derived from the Rubidium Atomic Standard and maintain highly accurate time and frequency even when GPS reception is interrupted. When disciplined to GPS the unit provides time accuracy of < 20ns RMS and frequency accuracy better than 2E-12.
The AR51-07 includes Have Quick (ICD-GPS-060) input and output which is essential for secure radio communication applications. The unit can be controlled remotely via MIL-STD-1553RT channel making it suitable for airborne applications as well.  AR51-07 includes an internal C/A code GPS receiver and has the option to install a P(Y) code SAASM GPS receiver instead (needs to be supplied by the customer).

Product Highlights

Long Term Stability

 -150dBc/Hz @10kHz
Phase Noise

1µs/24 hours
Accuracy-Long Term


Performance (1PPS)
Time (1PPS)Long- term AccuracyDisciplined to GPS or to an external synchronization source50ns RMS @ 25°C (Typical: 30ns RMS)
Time Drift without GPS (Hold-Over)< 1μs/24hr (Typ.)
Frequency (10MHz)Frequency AccuracyDisciplined to GPS
or to Ext. 1PPS
< 2E-12 (24 hour average, const temp.)
Long Term stabilityFree running Rubidium-Standard5E-11 / month drift in holdover
Short Term Stability≤ 4E-11 @ 1s (≤3E-11 Typ.)
Temperature Stability±3E-10 over -25°C to +65°C (-40°C opt.)
Phase NoiseFrequencyStandard (spec)Standard (typical)Improved (typical)
Harmonics≤-45 dBc (-58 dBc typ.)
Spurious<-75 dBc @ 100KHz from carrier
(accuracy vs. time)
Rb Lock < 4 min
5E-10 within < 7 min 5E-11 within < 60 min, 1E-11 within < 4hrs
2E-12 within < 24 hrs.
Retrace (without GPS or other disciplining input)± 4E-11

Additional product specifications, outline drawings and block diagrams and test data are available on request.

AR51-07 Key Features

  • GPS disciplined Rubidium clock
  • Outputs: 10MHz, 1PPS (TTL & RS-422), TOD (Have Quick), 2PPS (opt.)
  • Input: GPS antenna, 1PPS, TOD (Have Quick)
  • Frequency Accuracy : 2E-12
  • 1PPS Accuracy: Typ. 20ns (RMS)
  • NTP Server. Time Accuracy <300μs (opt)
  • Holdover (no GPS): Typ. 1µs/24 hours, 5E-11/month
  • Operating Temperature: -25°C to +65°C (71°C Emergency). -40°C (opt.)
  • Control and monitoring : RS-232 (input & output), RS-422 (output), MIL-STD-1553 (opt.)
  • Ephemeris, Almanac & Ionosphere Data
  • Supply Voltage: 22-32 VDC per MIL-STD-704D
  • External battery input for power back-up
    P(Y) code GPS (SAASM) receiver (Option)
  • Full MIL-STD qualification for military Airborne Applications
  • Graphic User Interface (GUI) Software for PC

AR51-07 Key Applications

  • Communication
  • Telemetry Test Fields
  • Field Calibration

Customized configurations are available, contact us to learn more.

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