
Accurate Time & Frequency System


GNSS-Disciplined Rubidium Clock

The AR71 is a multi-function GNSS Disciplined Rubidium Atomic Clock, which providesaccurate time & frequency. The AR71 incorporates numerous features into a single box,including a Rubidium Frequency Standard, an internal C/A code 12 channels GPS receiverand external 1PPS input.

The AR71 Rubidium Standard functions as a local oscillator and is phase-locked to the GPS or to external input. All outputs are derived from the Rubidium Clock, which maintains accurate time and frequency when the GNSS or other inputs are interrupted. The unit includes, as an option, LAN interface board, which support UDP / SNMP for management and for NTP (Network Time Protocol). A Precision-Time Protocol (PTP) or TOD in IRIG B format areavailable instead of the LAN board.

Product Highlights

Frequency Accuracy

20ns RMS
1PPS Accuracy

1μs / 24 hours


Mode of workStandardImproved (option)
Time (1PPS)Discipline20ns RMSContact us
Free running1 μs / 24 hours (typical) After 24 hours of disciplining
FrequencyFrequency Accuracy≤ 1E-12 (Disciplined to GPS or to external 1PPS)
Long Term Stability≤1E-10 / monthContact us
Short Term Stability
3E-11 @ 1s
5E-12 @ 100s
Contact us
±3E-10 over -20°C to +65°CContact us
Phase Noise (@ 10MHz)≤-114dBc/Hz @ 10Hz
≤-140dBc/Hz @ 100Hz
≤-146dBc/Hz @ 1KHz
≤-147dBc/Hz @ 10KHz
≤-113 dBc/Hz @ 10Hz
≤-141 dBc/Hz @ 100Hz
≤-152 dBc/Hz @ 1KHz
≤-156 dBc/Hz @ 10KHz
Integrated phase noise (10Hz to 1MHz):
Harmonics≤ -45 dBc
Spurious≤ -90 dBc @±100KHz
Warm-up timeRubidium Lock < 4 minutes
5E-11 within < 60 minutes 1E-11 within < 4 hrs
1E-12 within < 24 hrs

Additional product specifications, outline drawings and block diagrams and test data are available on request.

AR71 Key Features

  • Frequency Accuracy : 1E-12
  • 1PPS Accuracy: 20ns RMS
  • Holdover: 1μs / 24 hours, 1E-10 / month
  • 1PPS input for disciplining
  • 12 channels C(A) code GNSS receiver
  • Monitor & control: RS232
  • Supply Voltage: 11 –32 VDC

AR71 Key Applications

  • Test Equipment
  • Scientific Equipment
  • Telecommunication
  • Secure Communication
  • Cellular Base Stations
  • Mobile Radio Base Stations
Atomatic Clocks Products 1

Customized configurations are available, contact us to learn more.

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