Atomic Clocks

Cyber Security/Anti-Spoofing

Protecting GNSS from Manipulation

As the reliance on GPS/GNSS continues to grow for all aspects of PNT (Position, Navigation, Timing), so do the amount and sophistication of jamming and spoofing attacks. Cyber terrorists using fairly low tech spoofers and open source software can easily deploy spoofers that deliver a bogus GPS/GNSS signal and can attack and cripple mission critical equipment relying on GNSS timing or a critical infrastructure such as a telecoms network, a financial institute or a power station. Spoofing cases are well documented in the media, be it at the national level such as Russia manipulating GPS signals around the Russian President or this list that discusses just some of the thousands of GPS spoofing attacks recorded in 2020.

Protecting GNSS Products


Time FireWall™

AccuBeat’s patented Time FireWall™ protects Legacy Equipment at a Critical Infrastructure in a GNSS Denied and Spoofed Environment



The AR50-05 loads accurate time & frequency from an external source, maintains it on the go and disseminates the accurate time

AS133-LR V2


The AS133 is a version of AccuBeat’s leading multi-functional Rubidium Frequency Standard with an additional built in layer of Anti-Spoofing technology


Docking Station

The Docking Station simultaneously synchronizes up to 12 AR50-05 Portable Cases ensuring uniform Time and Frequency in all the units.



GNSS Time Server incorporating numerous features into a single box, including with an additional built in layer of Anti-Spoofing technology

Recognizing and understanding these threats, AccuBeat has developed and patented products and solutions to protect your most critical assets, networks, platforms and infrastructure and ensure continued and secure operation even in a GPS/GNSS denied environment. These solutions include our unique and patented Time FireWall™ –a plug and play solution designed to protect your legacy equipment without the need to replace existing equipment. AccuBeat also offers the AR50 -a portable timing dissemination case for instances where jamming or spoofing prevent an initial connection to a GPS/GNSS signal and an optional Docking Station to store and monitor up to twelve cases in a central location.

Furthermore, many of our standard products including our NTP/PTP Time Servers (such as AR79, AR76 and AR71), our Rubidium Frequency Oscillator (such as AR133) and our GPS Disciplined Time and Frequency Solutions (such as AR51-09 and AR51-07) can all be supplied with an additional suite of protection against such GPS/GNSS cyber jamming and spoofing attacks. This patented technology, originally developed for the military, is now available to protect civilian and non-military applications, projects and critical infrastructures as well, including mobile and telecommunication networks, transport networks and financial institutions and many other applications.